Locator Zhytomyr Churches & places of worshipChurches & places of worship Zhytomyr

Churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr

  • Seventh-day Adventist Church

    Street Teatralna, tel. 0 (93) 875-82... show
    Street Teatralna, 11, tel. +380(93)875-82-77 more
    Churches & places of worship Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Zhytomyr, Street Teatralna. Also this business has 2 branches.
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church

    Kyivske Highway, tel. 0 (41) 236-17... show
    Kyivske Highway, 53, tel. +380(41)236-17-53 more
    Churches & places of worship Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Zhytomyr, Kyivske Highway. Also this business has 2 branches. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00...
  • Mayak Baptist Church

    Згоди майдан , tel. 0 (98) 909-09... show
    Згоди майдан , tel. +380(98)909-09-90 more
    Churches & places of worship Mayak Baptist Church located in Zhytomyr, Згоди майдан .
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church

    Square Путятинская, tel. 0 (41) 233-83... show
    Square Путятинская, 4, tel. +380(41)233-83-03 more
    Churches & places of worship Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Zhytomyr, Square Путятинская. Also this business has 2 branches.
  • Церква Святого Василія Великого

    Zhytomyr, Street Shevchenka, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Shevchenka, 111more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Святого Василія Великого located in Zhytomyr, Street Shevchenka.
  • Церква Заповіт Ісуса Христа

    Street Dmytra Dontsova, tel.
    Street Dmytra Dontsova, 9more
    Churches & places of worship Церква Заповіт Ісуса Христа located in Zhytomyr, Street Dmytra Dontsova.
  • Churches & places of worship

    , tel.
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, .
  • Mykhaykivsky Church

    Street Kyivska, tel.
    Street Kyivska, 18more
    Churches & places of worship Mykhaykivsky Church located in Zhytomyr, Street Kyivska.
  • Новоапостольская церковь Украины

    Street Korolenka, tel. 0 (41) 242-64... show
    Street Korolenka, 5/20, tel. +380(41)242-64-78 more
    Churches & places of worship Новоапостольская церковь Украины located in Zhytomyr, Street Korolenka.
  • Церковь СВ. Марии Магдалины

    Avenue Myru, tel.
    Avenue Myru, 20аmore
    Churches & places of worship Церковь СВ. Марии Магдалины located in Zhytomyr, Avenue Myru.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Avenue Myru, tel.
    Avenue Myru, 59more
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, Avenue Myru.
  • Церковь СВ. Иакова

    Street Peremohy, tel.
    Street Peremohy, 74more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь СВ. Иакова located in Zhytomyr, Street Peremohy.
  • Семінарський костел св. Йоана з Дуклі

    Zhytomyr, Street Kyivska, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Kyivska, 4more
    Churches & places of worship Семінарський костел св. Йоана з Дуклі located in Zhytomyr, Street Kyivska.
  • Успенская Подольская церковь

    Street Sholom-Aleikhema, tel.
    Street Sholom-Aleikhema, 7аmore
    Churches & places of worship Успенская Подольская церковь located in Zhytomyr, Street Sholom-Aleikhema.
  • Свято-Юрьевская церковь

    Street Чудновская, tel.
    Street Чудновская, старочуднівськаmore
    Churches & places of worship Свято-Юрьевская церковь located in Zhytomyr, Street Чудновская.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Zhytomyr, Скорульського Drive, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Скорульського Drivemore
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, Скорульського Drive.
  • Церковь Рождества евангельских христиан-баптистов

    Street Большая Бердичевская, tel.
    Street Большая Бердичевская, 5more
    Churches & places of worship Церковь Рождества евангельских христиан-баптистов located in Zhytomyr, Street Большая Бердичевская.
  • Костел Божого Милосердя

    Zhytomyr, Street Трояновская, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Трояновская, 3бmore
    Churches & places of worship Костел Божого Милосердя located in Zhytomyr, Street Трояновская.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Луговой Lane, tel.
    Луговой Lane, 4more
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, Луговой Lane.
  • Николаевская церковь

    Street Селецкая, tel.
    Street Селецкая, 16more
    Churches & places of worship Николаевская церковь located in Zhytomyr, Street Селецкая.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Zhytomyr, Street Селецкая, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Селецкая, 16more
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, Street Селецкая.
  • Ольгинська церква

    , tel.
    Churches & places of worship Ольгинська церква located in Zhytomyr, .
  • Свято-Анастасієвський жіночий монастир

    Zhytomyr, Street Sanatorna, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Sanatorna, 13аmore
    Churches & places of worship Свято-Анастасієвський жіночий монастир located in Zhytomyr, Street Sanatorna.
  • Свято-Богоявленская церковь

    Zhytomyr, Street Большая Бердичевская, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Большая Бердичевская, 52аmore
    Churches & places of worship Свято-Богоявленская церковь located in Zhytomyr, Street Большая Бердичевская.
  • Храм Преподобных отцов Киево-Печерских

    Street Большая Бердичевская, tel.
    Street Большая Бердичевская, 70аmore
    Churches & places of worship Храм Преподобных отцов Киево-Печерских located in Zhytomyr, Street Большая Бердичевская.
  • Євангельських християн-баптистів

    Avenue Nezalezhnosti, tel.
    Avenue Nezalezhnosti, 10аmore
    Churches & places of worship Євангельських християн-баптистів located in Zhytomyr, Avenue Nezalezhnosti.
  • Почаевская церковь

    2-й Курганный Lane, tel.
    2-й Курганный Lane, 7more
    Churches & places of worship Почаевская церковь located in Zhytomyr, 2-й Курганный Lane.
  • Intercession Church

    Zhytomyr, Street Pokrovska, tel.
    Zhytomyr, Street Pokrovska, 98more
    Churches & places of worship Intercession Church located in Zhytomyr, Street Pokrovska.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Street Mala Berdychivs'ka, tel.
    Street Mala Berdychivs'ka, 7more
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, Street Mala Berdychivs'ka.
  • ПЦУ

    Street Чуднівська, tel.
    Street Чуднівськаmore
    Churches & places of worship ПЦУ located in Zhytomyr, Street Чуднівська.
  • Свято-Успенський архієрейський собор УПЦ

    Street Sholom-Aleikhema, tel.
    Street Sholom-Aleikhema, 7аmore
    Churches & places of worship Свято-Успенський архієрейський собор УПЦ located in Zhytomyr, Street Sholom-Aleikhema.
  • Старообрядницька Покровська церква

    Street Каракульна, tel.
    Street Каракульна, 6more
    Churches & places of worship Старообрядницька Покровська церква located in Zhytomyr, Street Каракульна.
  • Храм Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці

    Street Pokrovska, tel.
    Street Pokrovska, 98more
    Churches & places of worship Храм Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці located in Zhytomyr, Street Pokrovska.
  • Churches & places of worship

    Street Большая Бердичевская, tel.
    Street Большая Бердичевская, 70аmore
    Churches & places of worship located in Zhytomyr, Street Большая Бердичевская.

A brief overview of churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr (Zhytomyr Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about churches & places of worship, located in Zhytomyr (Zhytomyr Oblast). Locator knows about 34 churches & places of worship near this place among them Seventh-day Adventist Church, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mayak Baptist Church and other , which are located on st. Teatralna, hwy. Kyivske, Згоди майдан and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these churches & places of worship.

  • How many churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr?

    According to Locator data in Zhytomyr operates 34 churches & places of worship.

  • Which churches & places of worship are best in Zhytomyr?

    Locator recommends to visit the following churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mayak Baptist Church.

  • Where are the nearest churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr to me?

    To find out which churches & places of worship is closest to you, go to the Churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for churches & places of worship services in Zhytomyr?

    Prices for churches & places of worship services in Zhytomyr depend on the specific service and churches & places of worship. Locator allows all churches & places of worship to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific churches & places of worship page.

  • Which churches & places of worship services in Zhytomyr are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact churches & places of worship, which has a high rating according to Locator: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mayak Baptist Church.

  • How to contact these churches & places of worship?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these churches & places of worship pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Churches & places of worship in Zhytomyr